GMRS Radio Giveaway

As a “Thank you” to all the participants of the West TX Pathfinders GMRS net on Monday nights a radio giveaway has kicked off.

Between now and Christmas 2023 a NET will be chosen as the giveaway net. During that NET a random participant will be chosen as a winner of the radio.

GMRS Radio Giveaway

Monday Night GMRS NET:

The West TX Pathfinders Net meets every Monday evening at 7:00PM local time on channel 20 repeater, 462.675+ 141.3tone and typically runs around 45 minutes in length. Channel 18, 462.625 simplex is our backup frequency if the repeater is inoperable.

The Second Monday of every month is simplex night. After we check-in on channel 20, we will move to channel 18 and test our capabilities on simplex (no repeater).


The purpose of the net is to practice radio communications. In the event of an actual emergency, this network will enable the community in and around Lubbock to communicate and assist one another in responding and recovering. If no emergency exists, the Net provides a forum to discuss radio and emergency preparedness topics. You can ask questions, receive advise, test capabilities, learn new skills, and grow your network. The Net is open to all GMRS/FRS radio operators, and we encourage your participation. We hope you have a little time on Monday evenings to check in with us and say hello. ORDER OF THE NET:

  1. Preamble
  2. Announcements
  3. GMRS check-ins
  4. FRS check-ins
  5. Late check-ins
  6. Discussion topics / exercises
  7. final call
  8. net close NET LOG: Watch the progress of the Net in real-time with the NetLogger logging program. Stations monitoring the net with NetLogger receive updated information every 20 seconds, detailed check-in logs, and an AIM chat window. The program is free and available at this URL. NetLogger - Amateur Radio Logging Program Track the net log with the Net Scraper phone app on IOS or Android. On-Air Net Scraper (